Sunday, April 13, 2008

Butterfly Nostalgia: Sometimes I Just Want to be Alone

Sometimes I Just Want to be Alone

The mornings come and go like slides in the projector
Sticky notes say call her but I just want to neglect her
Afraid of rejection crushing every little good thing
Too much protection smothers every human longing

I’m antisocial
I always feel so awkward
When I’m up against all of these machinegun blank squawkers
Always... asking me questions that I always hate to answer
How are you doing at school - are still dating that belly dancer?

Sometimes I just I wanna be alone
In my room
With a record playing loud
Sometimes I just I wanna be alone
At home
Without this tweaked-out deadbeat crowd

Transition’s hinting – I can feel it in my bones now
And I always wanted to be more then just your phone pal
Share with my parents all these feelings that I’m getting
Next thing I know my mother’s laying out the wedding

My head is spinning
Am I from another planet?
Has my life already been put down in slabs of granite?
Raising stonewalls to keep me in their institution
She don’t even know I love her and they’re framing her for prostitution

Sometimes I just I wanna be alone
In my room
With a record playing loud
Sometimes I just I wanna be alone
At home
Without this paranoid covert crowd

And my dearest friends are really loosening my latches
They’ve never been more then just lead sleeves and wet matches
Always sitting on my hood trying to cover up the scratches
Never chipping in on gas – gnawing the hell out of their nicotine patches
Oh, I can’t... hack this…

And in the morning they said that I would feel better
But I can’t feel nothing but their words cracking like leather
When I tired to call they said that she’d gone and left town
Oh, heaven help me, I just want to burn this house down!

Man, I’m so burnt out
They’ve got me all extinguished
Molding my ashes into something called distinguished
Prune women pinch my cheeks, saying I look so hansom
But if they don’t give me space I swear to god I’ll pull a Charlie Manson

Sometimes I just I wanna be alone
In my room
With a record playing loud
Sometimes I just I wanna be alone
At home
Without this fake grin Gestapo crowd
Without this soda jerk harassing crowd
Without this watch tapping off beat crowd
Without this tweaked-out deadbeat crowd


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